Saturday, August 14, 2010

Day 14: Sleepy Ollie

Today I didn't really do much of anything. I watched tv and cuddled with the puppies and searched the web for random stuff and of stuff. I cooked dinner today and I actually meant to take a picture of it...I thought it looked really good...garlic and herb pork chops with mashed potatoes. Lol but I forgot to grab the camera when I was serving. Oops. So while laying in bed, I was downloading a game...Harry Potter Spells on my iPod...Ollie curled up next to me and I though it was so cute. He falls asleep so easily and is dead to the world. Lol his body and legs and paws are so limp.


  1. Find any good wedding stuff online? I was wedding googling tonight too, haha.

  2. Becca - I found some nice jewelry and I was looking at hairstyles, I can't decide on what to do! Other than that I was looking at my guestlist, checklist (makes me want to hyperventilate every time I see it), and peaking at my registry lol, I can't help myself.

    Thanks Leigha!!! He's my cuddlebug. Lol he loves to sleep and cuddle. He needs to be sleeping right next to you with his head on you or literally lay on top of you. It's rare when he isn't laying on you like in the picture.
