Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 9 August 9, 2010: Happy Birthday Rocco!!!!

Today Rocco turned 1 year old!!! I can't believe it...time has flown so quickly. I still remember the day Dave and I brought him home. Lol he was so afraid of walking down the stairs when we went to walk him, lol at first we needed to carry him down. Then a few weeks later, he was more comfortable with the stairs, he got very brave and jumped down one step...instead of landing, he face planted on the concrete...he still has a scar on his chin to this day. He was (and still is in some ways) a very dopey dog. As a little puppy his paws were too big, his nose was (and still is) HUGE...so cute though...and he had very floppy big ears, which he has grown into a tiny bit. Dave says he is more my dog now...which is funny because he ALWAYS used to go running to Dave when it was just him. Now that we have Ollie, Dave says Rocco runs to me (especially when Rocco is getting in trouble with Dave lol). Lol he is a mama's dog!! Here are some pictures of my baby!!

In this picture Rocco is trying to get to the cake that I made (trial number 2 of our wedding cake that I am making). Lol he thinks he should have it because it is his birthday!! Lol I wish I bought little hats to put on the dogs...that would have been so cute.

So today was kinda lazy...laundry, make dinner, do dishes, and bake trial number 2 for the wedding cake. I'm really hoping by me baking the cake it will come out cheaper than buying it. The first time I did the trial, I used just the yellow gluten free cake mix and substituted the water for the apple cider and added the spices and I made a whipped cream frosting. I didn't have a filling because I wasn't sure which I was going to do yet. The combo with the whipped cream wasn't that good. BUT this time, I made the same cake, used apple preserves as the filling, and MADE the buttercream frosting. I had no clue there was that much sugar in it (8 cups of powdered sugar!). Came out soooo much better this time...so I have a winner! My dad and maid of honor are going to help me decorate it...now it would be nice if people would send their response cards so I have a better idea of how much cake to make!!